Narenjestan Ghavam



Narenjestan Ghavam

Posted By : mehdi rafiei/ 2176 0

Narenjestan Ghavam (the Orange orchard, Narenj is actually the root for the orange in European languages), the house of Ghavam, governor of Shiraz in the 19th century, was originally the outer part of a residential complex Whose interior, the residence of Zinatol-Molk, interconnected with each other.
We recognize the plan of a garden and the rooms located on the north side that recently transformed into a museum.
Since the 1960s the university of Shiraz has been in charge of the management.
The house is particularly known for its decorations including paintings (the drawings of Glolo-Morgh, the flower, and the bird), marquetry, mirror works, the tiles, and the bas-reliefs whose designs were taken in part from ancient Persia.

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