
Shiraz city of Wine

Posted By : mehdi rafiei/ 2531 0

Shiraz the city of the wine and the poetry. Its inhabitants are known for their savoir-vivre and their epicureanism.
A soft climate where the winds of the Persian Gulf blow, it is the favorite city of travelers.

The only place on earth where you have to forget the time to earn more and get drunk on the words of its poets in order to appreciate the Persian language.

There are many nomads and cattle in the hinterland of Shiraz, more than anywhere in Iran these days.
Walking in its gardens, the breeze blowning through the slender cypresses, the beautiful voluptuous figure of Hafez’s poems and the rose garden, muse of Saadi, the great sage of moral precepts.
The spring air, perfumed with the scent of citrus trees and jasmine, the young nomade Turk in colorful velvet clothes and silky look.
From shops with vinegar jars and plant juices, to thousands of bottles of beneficial nectar, borage, chicory, Egyptian willow and eglantine.
The Moshir seraglio opens its craft shops and its smiling vendors stock their showcase.
Shiraz Persian beauty, legendary city, eternal capital of epicureans and poets …


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