Stalls and shops lined up forming a spine, the economic center of cities in the Middle East. this has been called bazaar, since the dawn of time
A covered market, with a thousand and one entrances and alleys, airy and lighted. A setting that holds madrassas, caravanserais, schools and hammams. As it used to be a city inside a city.
A corridor where inhabitants meet, both merchants and customers.
A store, goods, there is as much food as diamonds.
Side by side, bakeries beside jewelry stores, each one to his own business,expertise and customers.
It wraps around the time and sets its course according to the currents and the surrounding environment..
The heirs are named after the parents, and the previous ones are remembered with nostalgia.
The bazaar has thousands of secrets and offers a chance to all beginners, with or without experience and money.
Don’t be surprised by the number of stalls, no competition problem, they all earn as the Omnipotent promises